Forum Sessions
Opening Plenary
14:00 – 14:50
- Welcome address by host country Azerbaijan
- Opening remarks by ADB
- Interactive Poll on EE with the audience
- Keynote Address:
Energy Efficiency in the transition to a low carbon economy
Thematic Sessions
15:00 – 16:50
Option A: Practical means to achieving Energy Efficiency in Central Asia
Option B: Role of the utility in Energy Efficiency
Option A: Suitable business models and innovative financing approaches
Option B: Latest Energy Efficiency technologies and appliances
Start-Up Competition
17:00 – 17:50
- Regional start-up finalists present their innovative Energy Efficiency ideas
- Attendees electronically vote a winner
- Interview with the winner of the last EIF start-up competition
- Announcement of the 2021 start-up competition winner and closing ceremony
15:00 – 18:00
- Attendees can tune into a live video stream or select specific videos on energy efficiency projects from a content library
Closing Plenary
18:00 – 18:30
- Forum Conclusions by ADB
- Teaser for EIF 2022 by the People’s Republic of China
- Closing remarks by host country Azerbaijan
15:00 – 18:00
- Attendees can tune into a live video stream or select specific videos on energy efficiency projects from a content library
Opening Plenary
2 December 2021
Moderator: Ms. Nisha Pillai | former BBC news anchor
14:00 – 14:15
Welcome Address by Host Government

Mr. Parviz Shahbazov
Energy Minister of Azerbaijan
14:15 – 14:25
Opening Remarks by ADB

Mr. Shixin Chen
ADB Vice-President
14:25 – 14:40
Interactive Poll with the audience on energy efficiency

Ms. Nisha Pillai
14:40 – 14:50
Keynote Address – Setting the scene for EIF 2021
“Energy Efficiency in the transition to a low carbon economy”

Ms. Angela Wilkinson
Secretary General and CEO, World Energy Council
Thematic Session – Stream 1
Cinema Series ongoing in parallel
15:00 – 15:50
Practical means to achieving Energy Efficiency in Central Asia
This session will explore suitable energy efficiency measures which can be implemented in the CAREC region to reduce instances of energy shortages and supply interruptions.

Ms. Jessica Glicker
Project Manager, Buildings Performance Institute Europe

Ms. Joy Esther Gai Jiazi
Asia Pacific Programmes Head, World Green Buildings Council

Mr. Jeswynn Yogaratnam
Head of Policy Reform, Global Buildings Performance Network, Monash University

Mr. Paul Kellett
Programme Manager, United for Efficiency, UNEP

Mr. Oleksandr Antonenko
Head of Energy Efficiency, Energy Charter Secretariat

Mr. Yerlan Ramazanov
Regional Head for Kazakhstan, EBRD
15:00 – 15:50
Option B: Role of the utility in Energy Efficiency Initiatives
This session will examine the role of utilities in the energy efficiency space, and will discuss the supporting policies, regulations, and incentives that should be in place to foster their involvement.

Ms. Aigul Baiturova
Head of Change Management, Digital Transformation Department, KEGOC JSC, Kazakhstan

Mr. Brian Dean

Mr. David Farnsworth
Principal, Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)

Ms. Catherine Winning
General Manager Customer Solutions, Smart Wires

Sandhya Sundararagavan

Mr. Farid Khan
Thematic Session – Stream 2
Cinema Series ongoing in parallel
16:00 – 16:50
Suitable business models and innovative financing approaches
This session will discuss business models and financing approaches that could be utilized to accelerate investments in energy efficiency. For example, concepts where the interest rate could be linked to the degree of achievement of energy efficiency targets or other approaches will be explored.

Ms. Jannat Salimova Tekay
Business Development Partner, Unicase Law Firm, Uzbekistan
Panelists to be confirmed

Mr. Aurelien Pillet
Senior Sustainable Energy Finance Specialist, Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy (BASE)

Mr. Harry Verhaar
Head of Global Public & Gouvernment Affairs, Signify

Mr. Pierluca Merola
Policy Officer, Financing for Energy Efficiency, European Commission

Mr. S.P. Garnaik
Business Unit Head, Lighting Efficiency Services Limited (EEL)

Mr. Farhad Taghiazadeh-Hesary
Associate Professor of Economics, Tokai University, Japan

Mr. Pedzi Makumbe
Senior Energy Specialist, World Bank
16:00 – 16:50
Latest Energy Efficiency Technologies and Appliances
This session will update attendees on the latest energy efficient technologies and appliances that are or are close to reaching commercial availability.

Ms. Margalita Arabidze
Deputy Head of Energy Reforms and International Relations, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable

Ms. Melanie Slade
Senior Programme Manager, International Energy Agency

Mr. David Morgado

Mr. Andrew Beadle

Ms. Milou Beerepoot
Regional Technical Advisor, Energy, UNDP
Start-Up Competition
Cinema Series ongoing in parallel
17:00 – 17:10
Keynote Address

Mr. Arjun Gupta
Founder Smart Joules
Start-up finalists present their Innovative Energy Efficiency Ideas
This session will convene the EIF’s second regional start-up competition, where finalists from regional start-ups will present their innovative ideas related to energy efficiency.

Ms. Aliya Kydyrbekova

Mr. Hassam Uddin

Mr. Jacob Bizer

Mr. Joshua Bolchover
17:40 – 17:45
Attendees vote electronically
Interview with the winner of the last EIF start-up competition

Mr. Elmar Asgarzade
17:45 – 17:50
Announcement of the 2021 start-up competition winner and closing ceremony

Ms. Nisha Pillai
Closing Plenary
Moderator: Ms. Nisha Pillai | former BBC news anchor
18:00 – 18:10
Forum Conclusions by ADB
ADB will summarize the learnings from the forum and announce the winner of the start-up competition to the Plenary.

Ms. Suzanne Gaboury
Director General, ADB
18:10 – 18:20
Teaser for EIF 2022 – Changing the Game for Energy Investments in the CAREC Region: Launch of the 1st CAREC Energy Outlook 2030
The host country of the EIF 2022 will give a brief teaser for the next EIF, which will be centered on launching CAREC’s first regional Energy Outlook.

Ms. Huimin Pan
Deputy Director General Department of International Cooperation, National Energy Administration
18:20 – 18:30
Closing Remarks by Host Government

Mr. Samir Valiyev
Deputy Minister of Energy of Azerbaijan