Emil Osmonbetov

Chairman, State Committee for Industry Energy and Subsoil Use Kyrgyz Republic

Geology, mineral resources development and reproduction specialist

Contacts: +996 550 550 778 (mobile), granit2121@mail.ru
Date and place of birth: 1967, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Marital status: Married with 5 children

Professional experience

2018 – present
Chairman of the State Committee for Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use (natural resources management) of the Kyrgyz Republic

Member of the Board of Directors, Kyrgyzaltyn OJSC

2014 – present
Member of personnel certification board, Certification Authority

CEO, Mineral Resource Company

Deputy Director of the State Agency for Geology and Mineral Resources under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, Member of the Board of the State Geolocation, Deputy Chairman of the State Commission for Mineral Reserves of the Kyrgyz Republic. Professor, Department of Mineral Geology, Institute of Mining and Mining Technologies, Member of the Board, Central Asian Geological Sector Information System Development and Improvement Project

CEO, Mineral Resource Company

Chief Geologist, DzheruyAltyn CJSC

associate professor, Department of Geology of Minerals, Head of the Diamond Content Studies Department, Kyrgyz Institute of Mineral Resources (KIMS)

doctoral studies, Kyrgyz Mining and Smelting Institute

dean of the Ecology Department, Chair of the Academic Council and the Academic and Methodological Commission of the Ecology Department

director of the Educational and Scientific Center

senior/principal specialist of the Industry Department,
Chui Regional State Administration

head of party, mineral and organic matter studies,
Kyrgyz Methodical Expedition of Geological and Economic Research in Kyrgyzstan

geologist of the geochemical party (identification of geochemical anomalies in metal and titanium-magnetite ores when conducting an areal survey of the territory of Kyrgyzstan), Kyrgyz Methodical Expedition of Geological and Economic Research. Field work in the Talas region, Bala-Chichkan deposit, Keminsky district, Aktyuz-Boordinsky ore district.

1983 -1991
category III worker, technician, technician-geologist
Naryn region, Suusamyr valley, Aksai valley. Search, evaluation and identification of geochemical anomalies for precious metals and gold. Issyk-Kul region: areal survey and prospecting and evaluation for precious metals in Issyk-Kul and Dzhety-Oguz districts. Chui oblast: work at a stage of detailed exploration at Taldybulak Levoberezhny field, including practical field studies.


Candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, associate professor, associate of the Engineering Academy of the Kyrgyz Republic

Postgraduate studies

KSNU – manager of state and municipal administration

Graduate School, Kyrgyz Mining and Smelting Institute

Frunze Polytechnic Institute – mining engineer/geologist

Certificate of Gosstroy KR for the design of mineral deposits

Certificate of Gosstroy KR to the Project Manager/Chief Engineer (PCE), mining industry

Center of PC and PGZh NISM KR, Certification and control of hazardous industries and facilities (Expert)

Professor Emeritus of the Institute of Mining and Mining Technologies (U. Asanaliev Institute)

Speaking on:

20 September 2019 | 15:00 - 16:30

Energy Sector Reform as a Catalyst for Optimal Investment Conditions

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