George Chikovani

CEO, Georgian Energy Development Fund

George Chikovani, Former Deputy Minister of Energy and Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia has more than 15 years of experience with strong focus on the Georgian and regional energy sector. Mr. Chikovani assisted the Georgian government in the national energy policy and strategy, market development and investment promotion. As a result of the projects that he actively supported Georgia has adopted new energy policy, transmission grid code, made several amendments to the Electricity and Natural Gas Law, implemented new software, established Transmission System Operator and Market Operator, developed Cross Border Electricity Trading Agreement with Turkey, introduced Uniform System of Accounts and developed Ten Year Network Development Plan. He is cognizant of the legal and regulatory framework for Hydro Power Plant (HPP) development in Georgia and has experience in marketing HPP projects, as well as energy sales in the Caucasus region.

As a result of investment promotional activities, more than 1000MW (175 MWs are operating and more than 850 MWs are under construction phase) of greenfield, run of river hydropower projects were awarded to private investors, totaling more than USD 2,200 million in foreign direct investment. Along with Energy Component, Mr. Chikovani has lead the water resource management component of USAID G4G since July 2015, and previously as Deputy Component Lead, implementing new tools for water resource management and supporting the Georgian government in developing water allocation plans for the first time in Georgia.

Prior to be a consultant, he worked as director of Georgian International Energy Corporation, where he managed hydropower generation, electricity and gas trading and infrastructure development projects. In addition, he actively participated in water management and conflict resolutions between irrigation and hydropower plants located on irrigation channels.

Speaking on:

20 September 2019 | 15:00 - 16:30

Energy Sector Reform as a Catalyst for Optimal Investment Conditions

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