Lixin Xiong

Executive Vice President PowerChina International Group Limited

Mr. Lixin Xiong was born in October 1966 in Yifeng County (Jiangxi Province, Peoples Republic of China). He studied industrial and civil engineering at Sichuan Institute of Technology
and graduated in 1989.

After graduation he worked in SinoHydro Co., Ltd. He worked in Ghana waterworks project as chief engineer and as General Director at Gomal Zam project in Pakistan. From 2005 to 2009 he studied a master’s degree in water conservancy engineering at Hohai university.

In 2011, he worked in Sinohydro Corporation Limited as Deputy Director General. In 2016, he was appointed as Executive Vice President of PowerChina International Group Limited and Managing Director of PowerChina Eurasia Department.

Speaking on:

21 September 2019 | 09:00 – 10:30

How to Make the Energy Transition a Profitable Business in Central Asia?

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