Usmonali Usmonzoda

Minister of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan

Date of Birth: September 13, 1959


1977 -1982
Tajik Polytechnic Institute. Energy Faculty

1983 -1984
Engineer of the Department “Automation and Computer Engineering”, Tajik Polytechnic Institute

1985 – 1988
Postgraduate Student of the Moscow Energy Institute in Moscow
Candidate of Technical Sciences

1989 -1991
Senior lecturer of faculty “Electric Drive and Automated Control Systems” of the Tajik Polytechnic Institute

Associate Professor, Department and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Energy Tajik Polytechnic Institute

1997 – 1999
Director, State Energy Surveillance Department in the Districts of Republican Subordination

1999 – 2001
Deputy of General Director “Tajikgosenergonadzor”.

2001 – 2003
Head of Energy Policy Department of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Tajikistan

2003 – 2009
Deputy Director of the State Establishment „Project Management
Unit for Electro-Energy Sector“ of the Republic of Tajikistan

From 2009 to November 19, 2013
Director of the State Establishment „Project Management Unit for Electro-Energy Sector“ of the Republic of Tajikistan.

November 20, 2013
Minister of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Speaking on:

20 September 2019 | 15:00 - 16:30

Energy Sector Reform as a Catalyst for Optimal Investment Conditions

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