Werner Liepach

Director General, Central and West Asia Department, ADB, Panelist, Session 1

Contact: wliepach@adb.org

Werner Liepach is the director general of the Central and West Asia Department at the Asian Development Bank. He assumed office in February 2018. Mr. Liepach oversees the definition and execution of the departmental strategy and business plan, as well as the day-to-day management of operations of the department. He is responsible to oversee ADB’s regional portfolio, which now stands at $18.6 billion for over 155 projects in seven sector divisions at ADB headquarters and 10 country offices, covering energy; environment, natural resources and agriculture; transport, public management, financial sector, and trade; regional cooperation and operations coordination; social; and urban and water development.

Speaking on:

20 September 2019 | 15:00 - 16:30

Energy Sector Reform as a Catalyst for Optimal Investment Conditions

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