Foundation laid for new regional Transmission Body: CATCA

The Central Asia Transmission Cooperation Association (CATCA) is a new approach to plan and execute regional interconnection projects.

In April 2022, CAREC’s Energy Sector Committee finalized a concept for CATCA envisioning three major responsibilities for the organization:

  • Planning new regional interconnection projects / masterplanning
  • Project manage and execute new interconnection projects
  • Develop regional grid operation rules and standards

CATCA’s main purpose is to elevate grid expansion planning from a purely national level to a regional level. It brings network planning and project execution under a single framework with Energy Ministers forming the organization’s Board. Lengthy processes around special project agreements are expected to be eliminated.

There is currently no organization responsible for planning the regional grid and no mechanism ensuring regular updating of regional masterplans. Both aspects are key for enhanced energy security, especially with more variable renewable energy entering the future energy mix.

CATCA is open for all CAREC members to join, regardless of whether they are interconnected or not.

CATCA is being established as a part to achieve CAREC Energy Strategy Pillar 1 (Better Energy Security through Regional Interconnections).


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