Ms. Aliya Kydyrbekova, founder of Waternovation, won the CAREC Energy Efficiency Start-Up Competition 2021. The competition was organized by ADB and the Republic of Azerbaijan in the margins of the CAREC Energy Investment Forum 2021. Waternovation offers an energy efficient water recycling technology that saves water and significantly reduces CO2 emissions.
Ms. Aliya Kydyrbekova’s start-up technology has convinced a large audience of government officials, investors and other stakeholders attending the Energy Investment Forum 2021 who voted for Waternovation as the best energy start-up in the region.
Waternovation is based in Kazakhstan. Forecasts indicate that by 2030 Kazakhstan will face a severe problem of water scarcity, and this is also true for all countries on a global scale. Waternovation has developed an innovative technology to recycle water both for the massive water requirements in agriculture (70% of Kazakhstan’s water is used in agriculture) but also for clean drinking water. Recycling of water makes it possible to use water rationally, is economically feasible, and causes no harm to the environment.
Waternovation transforms waste water for agricultural use and transforms ground water into drinking water with an innovative purification technology which has received a patent.
Waternovation has a fully equipped laboratory where experts analyze the water samples, and based on the results, the company can suggest the optimal technology to their clients and agree on a cost-effective solution.
✔ Obtaining effectively purified safe water
✔ Reuse of waste water
✔ Implementation of a zero waste water discharge strategy
✔ Respect for the environment and rational use of water resources
✔ Saving costs for clean water and waste water disposal
You can visit Waternovation here.