Cross Cutting Theme 1
Building Knowledge and Forming Partnerships
High-quality data and knowledge sharing are central to operations in the energy sector. Therefore, a number of new knowledge products and partnerships with global centers of excellence shall be established to support the successful implementation of the strategy under its three main pillars.
One major initiative included in the CAREC Energy Strategy 2030 is the launch of a new regional data publication intended to enhance transparency in the state of energy markets in the region. This new regional flagship publication—the CAREC Energy Outlook—will be developed and regularly updated to provide critical insights into regional market trends and contain substantial analyses of what these trends mean for investors, operators, and other stakeholders. The publication will thus be a unique new source of information for investment decision making and significantly support efforts to attract more investments. In delivering new knowledge publications such as the CAREC Energy Outlook, the CAREC program will consider partnerships with established international knowledge leaders and specialized institutions to deliver highly relevant knowledge products.
The CAREC Energy Strategy 2030 also emphasizes the importance of people’s networks in fostering regional cooperation, knowledge sharing, and innovation. In this context, new emphasis is placed on young energy professionals in the region to establish a youth platform that gives future energy leaders a louder voice and allows them to participate in shaping the region’s energy future.
Cross-Cutting Theme 1 Initiatives:
Develop CAREC Energy Outlook and Investment Report
Promote networking and skills development of next-generation energy professionals
All Strategic Priorities of CAREC Energy:
- Better Security through Regional Interconnections
- Scaled-Up Investments through Market-Oriented Reforms
- Enhancing Sustainability by Greening the Regional Energy System
- Building Knowledge and Forming Partnerships
- Attracting Private Sector Investments across the Energy Value Chain
- Empowering Women in Energy