Thematic Focus
The 2030 Vision
CAREC members envisage a vibrant energy future. The vision for 2030 is wide-ranging in scope, but achievable. It recognizes that the region’s energy and economic future are closely interlinked.
The Future Leaves No Customer Behind
There is a commitment to share and expand the regional cross-border energy grid for maximum energy security. Gas and electricity should flow where they are needed and deliver affordable and sufficient supplies to all corners of the region so that no customer is left behind.
The Future Is More Market-Oriented
There is a commitment to transform the energy sector from a government-owned and government-operated model, with vertical integration and subsidies, to a more market-oriented one. There is a pledge to build stronger institutions and regional market governance to support the process of market liberalization.
The Future Is a Green Energy Mix
To address the challenges posed by climate change and ensure economic competitiveness, there is renewed attention to addressing energy efficiency and seeking a more diversified energy mix with a higher share of clean and renewable energy. Regional integration is also sought, to leverage more cost-competitive energy storage options.
The Future Is Inclusive and Equitable
The region is striving to develop the next generation of energy professionals, who are resourceful and skilled, and to increase the engagement and visibility of women in the energy sector. The sharing of knowledge and expertise across generations, borders, and disciplines provides a foundation for long-term cooperation in a closely interconnected region.

Focus Areas
Strategic Priorities

Better Energy Security through Regional Interconnections
(Strategy Pillar 1)

Scaled-Up Investments through Market-Oriented Reforms
(Strategy Pillar 2)

Enhancing Sustainability by Greening the Regional Energy System
(Strategy Pillar 3)
Cross-Cutting Themes

Building Knowledge and Forming Partnerships
(Cross Cutting Theme 1)

Attracting Private Sector Investments across the Energy Value Chain
(Cross Cutting Theme 2)

Empowering Women in Energy
(Cross Cutting Theme 3)
Political Commitments
The CAREC Energy Ministers signed a declaration in September 2019 in Tashkent in the framework of the 1st CAREC Energy Ministers Dialogue which contains specific commitments for the CAREC Energy Sector including the following:
- Double regional power flows until 2023
- Double solar and wind power capacity by 2023
- Double the level of energy efficiency until 2030
- Attract private investors through suitable financing vehicles
- Affordable and clean energy for all including in hard to reach areas before 2030
- Implement energy sector reform including phase out of fiscal and fossil fuel subsidies
- Gender Equality in the CAREC Energy Sector by 2030